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Best Psychic Medium Seattle Washington

About JJ

           This is a brief story of my spiritual journey. I came into my awareness at a very difficult time in my life. As a child of the foster care system, I prayed daily that I might learn how to forgive others as there was a lot of abuse in the 17 years I was in the system. While asking for the ability to forgive, I struggled with (and still do) guilt and self-doubt, wondering what I’d done wrong to invite such suffering into my life. In the process, I learned that suffering itself can be a gift.  During this time, I became extremely ill, and doctors could not diagnose me. So I had to trust what was happening, which is how I came to believe that everything happens for a reason. it was the beginning of my Spiritual Detox. While ill, I went through my daily routine of work, school and dance lessons, but I began to see things in a different light. I found that I could “feel” what people were saying to me, and I could see things in my mind’s eye while I talked to them. 


            I have spent the last 10 years continuously developing my awareness to ensure I have the best connection when having a session with a client. I've worked as a social worker or have worked with the public in some fashion my whole young adult life and feel that helping people is why I am here.

I do not profess to be 100% but I will always have integrity when conducting a session and will be transparent in my delivery. Mediumship is psychic messages are no a replacement for therapy or the grieving process but it's an addition to your journey.

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